Fernande Valme Way

We Look Forward To Celebrating The Remarkable Contributions Of Evangelist Fernande Valmé And Her Unwavering Commitment To Humanitarian Efforts. Your Presence Will Honor Her Legacy And Continue The Spirit

  • Date:August 24, 2024
  • Time:3:00 pm
  • Location:1120 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn NY 11226

Thanksgiving Lunch – November 28th 2024

Come and celebrate with us and enjoy our delicious meals. We welcome all.

  • Date:Thursday November 25th
  • Time:2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Location:1120 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn New York
  • Tuesday:Bible Studies 9.30 am - 12 pm
  • Thursday:Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
  • Saturday:Prayer Meeting 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Location:1120 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11226
  • Prayer Line:Dial (848) 214-4400 At Time Of Worship

Community Health Fair- Every First Saturday Of The Month

Free health screening every first Saturday of the month What we do: Medical Weight Examination Blood Pressure Reading Cholesterol Check Adult and Child Health Screening Nutrition Assessment Physician Referrals

  • Time:2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Location:1120 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn NY 11226

Annual Back To School Prayers – August 16th To 20th

THE LORD WILL MAKE YOU THE HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL. Join us as we gather to send fort our children with our precious prayers onto a new school

Upcoming Events

Annual Fundraising GALA March 2022
Annual Missionary Trip To Haiti July 2022
40 Day Fast- Begins January 1st 2022
FVM 50th Annivassary April 29th 2022
Fasting Begins On June 1st And End On June 21st
Mission Retreat Begins July 12 & Ends July 25th
Health Fair September 7th, October 5th & December 7th
Thanksgiving Day November 28th